These colors have interesting effects on each other, as we’ll discuss later. The primary color directly across from a secondary color on the wheel is called its “opposite” or “complementary” color. Mixing pigments from the three primary colors together will make brown.
These three colors can be combined to form any of the other colors on the spectrum. They are called “primary” (first) because these colors are not based on any other colors. The primary colors are Red, Yellow and Blue. Note that black and white do not appear on the wheel, but do play a role in color space and characteristics of color. The color wheel is helpful for understanding the relationships between colors for art, design planning and color schemes. Plasticolors® Product Selector Guide – Americas – SpanishĬolor Wheel The color wheel is a visual representation of the primary colors and how they combine to create all other visible colors.Plasticolors® Product Selector Guide – EMEA.Plasticolors® Product Selector Guide – Americas.Chroma-Chem Semi-Transparent Wood Stains Fan Deck.